Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner Resigns From Congress Over Sexting Scandal

Scandal-scarred Rep. Anthony Weiner resigned his seat from the U.S. House on Thursday, but his departing speech left the door open for a comeback.

The speech centered on his years of service rather than his sexually-charged online affairs, as the outgoing congressman struck a down-but-not-out tone.

"I have never forgotten my neighbors because they represent the same middle class story as mine," Weiner said in opening remarks that sounded more like a candidate on the campaign trail than a defeated ex-lawmaker. 

"I went to public schools my whole life. My mother was a school teacher for 32 years. My father went to law school on a GI bill. The middle class story of New York is my story and I'm very proud of that."

Weiner's announcement at a Brooklyn senior center was met by cheers as well as heckling by some in the packed room. The seven-term Democrat said he was taking time out to redirect his energy offline.

"Today I am announcing my resignation from Congress, so my colleagues can get back to work, my neighbors can choose a new representative and most importantly that my wife and I can continue to deal with the damage I have caused," said Weiner, who announced over the weekend that he was going to take two weeks of leave from Congress so he could get "treatment" for an unnamed ailment evidently associated with his repetitive sexting practices.

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